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Transponder news

Russian Federation

Satellites: 14  1°W  2  5°E  9  13°E  16  19°E  28  36°E  39°E  40  42  45  46°E  49  51  52  53°E  55  56  57  58  60°E  66  75°E  80  86  90°E  96  103  122  140 
NTV +0
TP modified: 29.06.2022
Added: 29.06.2022 10:07:45
Updated: 29.06.2022 10:07:45
Satellite(s):EXPRESS AMU3, 103E
Broadcasting standart:DVB-S2 (8PSK)
Frequency:3925 MHz
Polarization:left (horizontal)
Symbol Rate: 35395 ksymb/sec
Encryption: BISS
Languages (Audio PID): russian
Other transponder channels:5 Kanal (Russia) +0, Karusel +0, Match TV, MIR +0, Muz TV +0, OTR, Perviy Kanal +0, Pobeda, REN +0, Rossiya K +0, Rossiya-1 +0, Rossiya-24, RT English, RT France, Spas +0, STS +0, TNT +0, TVC Moscow, Zvezda +0
updated: 26.08.23
Description:Russian federal channel.
  • Alternative broadcasting (0 kbps, Flash Player)
  • e-mail:
    Owner: Газпром Медия
    Country: Russian Federation
    Address: 27000, Москва, ул. Ак. Королева, 12.
    Fax: +7 (495)725 53 83
    All screenshots >>

  • Astrakhan - 12 (emitter is stoped)
  • Donetsk - 47 (emitter is stoped)
  • DUBASARI - 25
  • Grozny - 9 (emitter is stoped)
  • Irkutsk - 9 (emitter is stoped)
  • Ivanovo - 32 (emitter is stoped)
  • Izhevsk - 6 (emitter is stoped)
  • Kaliningrad - 39 (emitter is stoped)
  • Kaluga - 32 (emitter is stoped)
  • Kemerovo - 34 (emitter is stoped)
  • Khanty-Mansiysk - 5 (emitter is stoped)
  • Kirovsk (Murmansk) - 22 (emitter is stoped)
  • Kogalym (Surgut) - 12 (emitter is stoped)
  • Kostroma - 40 (emitter is stoped)
  • Kurgan - 31 (emitter is stoped)
  • Kursk - 31 (emitter is stoped)
  • Luhansk - 24
  • Magadan - 39 (emitter is stoped)
  • Murmansk - 22 (emitter is stoped)
  • Nadym - 30 (emitter is stoped)
  • Nizhnevartovsk - 34 (emitter is stoped)
  • Novosibirsk - 12 (emitter is stoped)
  • Omsk - 2 (emitter is stoped)
  • Orel - 2 (emitter is stoped)
  • Palana - 3 (emitter is stoped)
  • Perm - 32 (emitter is stoped)
  • Pskov - 36 (emitter is stoped)
  • Rovenki (Luhansk) - 49
  • Saint Petersburg - 33 (emitter is stoped)
  • Samara - 21 (emitter is stoped)
  • Saransk - 31 (emitter is stoped)
  • Saratov - 30 (emitter is stoped)
  • Sevastopol (Simferopol) - 33 (emitter is stoped)
  • Simferopol - 35 (emitter is stoped)
  • Smolensk - 1 (emitter is stoped)
  • Sudak (Simferopol) - 39 (emitter is stoped)
  • Tambov - 22 (emitter is stoped)
  • Tomsk - 24 (emitter is stoped)
  • Tula - 30 (emitter is stoped)
  • Tura - 12 (emitter is stoped)
  • Tver - 12 (emitter is stoped)
  • Ufa - 12 (emitter is stoped)
  • Vladimir - 7 (emitter is stoped)
  • Volgograd - 30 (emitter is stoped)
  • Vologda - 12 (emitter is stoped)
  • Yekaterinburg - 8 (emitter is stoped)
  • Агинское - 6 (emitter is stoped)
  • Алапаевск (Yekaterinburg) - 39 (emitter is stoped)
  • Алушта (Simferopol) - 50 (emitter is stoped)
  • Анадырь - 9 (emitter is stoped)
  • Архангельск - 3 (emitter is stoped)
  • Асбест (Yekaterinburg) - 2 (emitter is stoped)
  • Белый Яр (Surgut) - 9 (emitter is stoped)
  • Биробиджан - 5 (emitter is stoped)
  • Благовещенск - 35 (emitter is stoped)
  • Брянск - 34 (emitter is stoped)
  • Владивосток - 41 (emitter is stoped)
  • Волгодонск (Ростов-на-Дону) - 11 (emitter is stoped)
  • Выборг (Saint Petersburg) - 9 (emitter is stoped)
  • Горно-Алтайск - 8 (emitter is stoped)
  • Джанкой (Simferopol) - 48 (emitter is stoped)
  • Евпатория (Simferopol) - 36 (emitter is stoped)
  • Йошкар-Ола - 5 (emitter is stoped)
  • Каменск-Уральский (Yekaterinburg) - 12 (emitter is stoped)
  • Каменск-Шахтинский (Ростов-на-Дону) - 21 (emitter is stoped)
  • Кандалакша (Murmansk) - 40 (emitter is stoped)
  • Керчь (Simferopol) - 52 (emitter is stoped)
  • Кингисепп (Saint Petersburg) - 6 (emitter is stoped)
  • Ковдор (Murmansk) - 9 (emitter is stoped)
  • Комсомольск-на-Амуре (Хабаровск) - 12 (emitter is stoped)
  • Красноперекопск (Simferopol) - 49 (emitter is stoped)
  • Красноселькуп - 3 (emitter is stoped)
  • Кудымкар - 32 (emitter is stoped)
  • Кызыл - 3 (emitter is stoped)
  • Липецк - 32 (emitter is stoped)
  • Луга (Saint Petersburg) - 12 (emitter is stoped)
  • Махачкала - 3 (emitter is stoped)
  • Мегион (Nizhnevartovsk) - 29 (emitter is stoped)
  • Мончегорск (Murmansk) - 38 (emitter is stoped)
  • Назрань - 6 (emitter is stoped)
  • Назрань - 23 (emitter is stoped)
  • Нальчик - 29 (emitter is stoped)
  • Нарьян-Мар - 11 (emitter is stoped)
  • Нефтеюганск - 9 (emitter is stoped)
  • Нижний Новгород - 9 (emitter is stoped)
  • Нижний Тагил (Yekaterinburg) - 10 (emitter is stoped)
  • Новгород - 9 (emitter is stoped)
  • Нягань (Октябрьское) - 32 (emitter is stoped)
  • Оренбург - 31 (emitter is stoped)
  • Орехово-Зуево (Moscow) - 8 (emitter is stoped)
  • Островной (Murmansk) - 24 (emitter is stoped)
  • Петрозаводск - 10 (emitter is stoped)
  • Петропавловск-Камчатский - 27 (emitter is stoped)
  • Приозерск (Saint Petersburg) - 51 (emitter is stoped)
  • Рязань - 28 (emitter is stoped)
  • Салехард - 28 (emitter is stoped)
  • Сальск (Ростов-на-Дону) - 5 (emitter is stoped)
  • Серов (Yekaterinburg) - 33 (emitter is stoped)
  • Серпухов (Moscow) - 8 (emitter is stoped)
  • Советский - 6 (emitter is stoped)
  • Ставрополь - 33 (emitter is stoped)
  • Старый Оскол (Belgorod) - 11 (emitter is stoped)
  • Сызрань (Samara) - 39 (emitter is stoped)
  • Сыктывкар - 3 (emitter is stoped)
  • Тазовский - 8 (emitter is stoped)
  • Тихвин (Saint Petersburg) - 31 (emitter is stoped)
  • Тольятти (Samara) - 24 (emitter is stoped)
  • Туринск (Yekaterinburg) - 37 (emitter is stoped)
  • Тюмень - 39 (emitter is stoped)
  • Улан-Удэ - 33 (emitter is stoped)
  • Ульяновск - 31 (emitter is stoped)
  • Урай (Кондинское) - 5 (emitter is stoped)
  • Феодосия (Simferopol) - 29 (emitter is stoped)
  • Хабаровск - 1 (emitter is stoped)
  • Черкесск - 6 (emitter is stoped)
  • Чита - 12 (emitter is stoped)
  • Шатура (Moscow) - 60 (emitter is stoped)
  • Шахты (Ростов-на-Дону) - 33 (emitter is stoped)
  • Элиста - 3 (emitter is stoped)
  • Южно-Сахалинск - 30 (emitter is stoped)
  • Якутск - 5 (emitter is stoped)
  • Ялта (Simferopol) - 41 (emitter is stoped)
  • Ярославль - 33 (emitter is stoped)
  • Satellite Broadcasting:
    ServicePackageSatFreq / PolSRFECStandardEncryption ($)
    NTV 0hNTV Plus36°E12341 L275003/4DVB-S (QPSK) Viaccess
    NTV 0hTrikolor-TV36°E12456 L275003/4DVB-S2 (8PSK) DRE Crypt
    NTV +2hNTV Plus36°E12341 L275003/4DVB-S (QPSK) Viaccess
    NTV 0hTrikolor-TV36°E12073 L275003/4DVB-S2 (8PSK) DRE Crypt
    NTV +2hTrikolor-TV36°E12073 L275003/4DVB-S2 (8PSK) DRE Crypt
    NTV +2hTrikolor-TV36°E12456 L275003/4DVB-S2 (8PSK) DRE Crypt
    NTV 0hTrikolor-TV36°E12111 L275001/2DVB-S2 (QPSK) DRE Crypt
    NTV +2hTrikolor-TV36°E12111 L275001/2DVB-S2 (QPSK) DRE Crypt
    NTV 0h40°E12637 V152843/4DVB-S2 (QPSK) FTA
    NTV +2h49°E4101 L149403/4DVB-S2 (QPSK) FTA
    NTV 0h55°E12674 V152843/4DVB-S2 (QPSK) FTA
    NTV 0hTricolor TV Syberia56°E12149 L275003/4DVB-S2 (8PSK) DRE Crypt
    NTV 0h56°E12168 R275003/4DVB-S2 (QPSK) DRE Crypt
    NTV 0hTricolor TV Syberia56°E12417 L275003/4DVB-S2 (8PSK) DRE Crypt
    NTV +2hTricolor TV Syberia56°E12417 L275003/4DVB-S2 (8PSK) DRE Crypt
    NTV 0hNTV Plus Vostok56°E12360 R275003/4DVB-S2 (8PSK) Viaccess
    NTV +2hMTS75°E11740 V450002/3DVB-S2 (8PSK) Irdeto 2
    NTV +4hMTS75°E11740 V450002/3DVB-S2 (8PSK) Irdeto 2
    NTV +7hMTS75°E11740 V450002/3DVB-S2 (8PSK) Irdeto 2
    NTV +2hTelekarta80°E11544 H450003/4DVB-S2 (QPSK) Conax
    NTV +4hTelekarta80°E11043 V450004/5DVB-S2 (QPSK) Conax
    NTV 0hTelekarta80°E11543 V450002/3DVB-S (QPSK) Conax
    NTV 0h103°E3925 L353953/5DVB-S2 (8PSK) BISS
    NTV +7hTelekarta Vostok140°E10981 V449485/6DVB-S (QPSK) Irdeto 2
    NTV +7hNTV Plus Dalny Vostok140°E12380 L275003/4DVB-S2 (8PSK) Viaccess
    Network Partners:
    ServicePackageSatFreq / PolSRFECEncryption ($)
    Katun 24Telekarta80°E11482 V450004/5FTA
    "NTV Moldova"
    "TRK Alexeevka"


    [02.12.2015] Изменились параметры вещания канала НТВ на спутнике ABS 2, 75 гр. в.д.

    [21.02.2011] Топ крупнейших российских медиакомпаний возглавил «Газпром-медиа»

    [21.07.2009] "Интерфакс" назвал самые прибыльные телеканалы в России

    14°W,Express AM8 09.11.23 (Tn)
    1°W,THOR 5/6, IS 10-02 30.12.23 (Tn)
    1.9°E, BulgariaSat-1 30.12.23 (Tn)
    4.8°E,Astra 4A, SES-5 27.07.24 (Tn)
    9°E,Eutelsat 9B 30.12.23 (Tn)
    13°E,Hot Bird 13E/F/G 16.09.24 (Tn)
    16°E,Eutelsat 16A/B/C 06.04.24 (Tn)
    19.2°E,ASTRA 1KR/1L/1M/1N 14.02.24 (Tn)
    28.2°E,Astra 2E/2F/2G 19.03.20 (Tn)
    36°E,EUTELSAT 36B, 36C (Express AMU1) 15.09.24 (Tn)
    39°E,HELLAS SAT 3 28.02.22 (Tn)
    40°E,Express AM7 25.03.21 (Tn)
    42°E,Turksat 2A/3A/4A 29.12.23 (Tn)
    45°E,Intelsat 12 / 38 (Azer-2) 23.03.24 (Tn)
    46°E,AzerSpace 1 06.09.24 (Tn)
    49°E,Yamal 202 / 601 22.07.22 (Tn)
    51.5°E,Belintersat-1 18.05.23 (Tn)
    52°E,TurkmenÄlem / MonacoSat 02.01.23 (Tn)
    53°E,Express AM6, Yahsat-1A 24.07.24 (Tn)
    55°E,Yamal 402 18.08.24 (Tn)
    56°E,Express AT1 23.07.24 (Tn)
    57°E,NSS-12 11.10.22 (Tn)
    58.5°E,KazSat-3 07.01.24 (Tn)
    60°E,Intelsat 33e/904 05.04.21 (Tn)
    66°E,Intelsat 17 27.08.23 (Tn)
    75°E,ABS 2 / 2A 19.09.24 (Tn)
    80°E,Express-80 27.07.24 (Tn)
    86.5°E,KazSat-2 27.12.14 (Tn)
    90°E,YAMAL 401 18.08.24 (Tn)
    96.5°E,EXPRESS 103 05.07.22 (Tn)
    103°E,EXPRESS AMU3 29.06.22 (Tn)
    122.2°E,ASIASAT 4 19.06.22 (Tn)
    140°E,EXPRESS AM5/AT2 28.08.23 (Tn)
    183°E,Yamal-300К (soon...) 19.10.17 (Tn)
     sorted channel list
     channels description
     frequency tables
    Enter current year (1961, 2024 or 3051)

    *sat updated (days): fresh, >2, >7, >30
    (Tn) - Transponder news

    EXPRESS AMU3, 103° East

  • [17.12.17] Package with channels '8 kanal (+7h)', 'Bober', 'Bridge TV', 'Crimea24', 'Dom Kino', 'Dom Kino Premium', 'Dom Kino Premium HD', 'Karusel (0h)', 'Karusel (+3h)', 'Karusel International', 'Love Radio', 'Muzika Pervogo', 'Nashe radio', 'Novoe Radio', 'O!', 'Perviy Kanal (0h)', 'Perviy kanal SNG', 'Pervyj Krymskij', 'Poehali!', 'RTG TV', 'Shop 24', 'Synergy-TV', 'Telecafe', 'Vremya' has left 11605 V [, RT_1998]
  • [03.05.17] 'Pervyj Krymskij' has started on 11605 V, sr 34425, fec 3/5, DVB-S2 / 8PSK, MPEG-4, FTA [, RT_1998]
  • [05.04.17] 'O!' is now encrypted on 11605 V, sr 34425, fec 3/5, DVB-S2 / 8PSK, MPEG-4, Irdeto 2 [, RT_1998]
  • [16.03.17] 'Bridge TV', 'RTG TV' has started on 11605 V, sr 34425, fec 3/5, DVB-S2 / 8PSK, MPEG-4, FTA [, RT_1998]
  • [29.11.11] Package with channels '5 Kanal (Russia) (+2h)', 'Karusel (+7h)', 'NTV (+7h)', 'Perviy Kanal (+6h)', 'Radio Mayak', 'Radio Rossii', 'Rossiya K (+7h)', 'Rossiya-1 (+6h)', 'Rossiya-2', 'Rossiya-24', 'Vesti FM' moved to 4084R R, sr 16200, fec 3/4, MPEG-4 []
  • [16.08.11] 'Rossiya-1 (+6h)', 'Rossiya-2' on 3975 R, sr 16200, fec 3/4, MPEG-4, RosCrypt []
  • [29.12.10] 'Karusel' has started on 3975 R, sr 16200, fec 3/4, MPEG-4, RosCrypt []
  • [29.12.10] 'TeleNyanya' has left 3975 R []
  • [19.10.10] Package with channels '5 Kanal (Russia) (+7h)', 'NTV (+7h)', 'Perviy Kanal (+6h)', 'Rossiya K (+7h)', 'Rossiya-1 (+6h)', 'Rossiya-2', 'Rossiya-24', 'TeleNyanya' moved to 3975 R, sr 16200, fec 3/4, MPEG-4 []
  • [19.10.10] Package with channels '5 Kanal (Russia) (+7h)', 'NTV (+7h)', 'Perviy Kanal (+6h)', 'Rossiya K (+7h)', 'Rossiya-1 (+6h)', 'Rossiya-2', 'Rossiya-24', 'TeleNyanya' has left 3627 R []
  • News for this position only
    * Time Zone: GMT+2
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